Add Some Muscle!

Health & fitness expert, Josephine Christie, explains the fundamentals for knowing how to build muscle

Building muscle is a fundamental goal for many people today. Many people spend hours in the gym to increase muscle mass and look better. However, a significant majority of these people do not get the results they want and experience great disappointment.

“The thing that will increase your muscle-building speed is actually gaining weight,”

So, why can’t someone who does sports regularly gain muscle? Some simple reasons lead to this situation. The most common mistake is not to apply the ‘progressive overload’ principle. If you’ve been going to the gym for months and working with the same weight, there’s a big problem. Muscles don’t want to grow unless they are forced. Because more muscle, means more energy for the human body. That’s why your muscle mass decreases rapidly when you stop exercising.

The principle of progressive overload is the basis of muscle building. To apply this principle most correctly, increase the weights you use every week. If you cannot increase the weights, increase the number of repetitions. If you cannot do this, shorten the rest period. All this combined alone, will cause your muscles to strain more, and you will gain muscle quickly.

“So, why can’t someone who does sports regularly gain muscle?”

Another important rule you should follow to build muscle, is to eat protein. According to studies, someone who wants to build muscle should eat at least 1.6 times their body weight in grams of protein every day. Otherwise, even if you exercise regularly, you will not build muscle, and the hours you spend in the gym will mean little.

If you follow the principle of progressive overload and eat properly, your muscle mass will increase over time.

But there is one last thing you need to know to increase your muscle mass much faster. In addition to all of this, the thing that will increase your muscle-building speed is actually gaining weight. But you have to be careful. Gaining weight too fast, can cause you to get fat. For this reason, you should gain an average of 1.5 – 2kg each month.

“Someone who wants to build muscle should eat at least 1.6 times their body weight in grams of protein every day. Otherwise, even if you exercise regularly, you will not build muscle,”

So now you have all the basics you need to know about building muscle. It’s actually quite simple. If you follow everything mentioned above, you should build muscle. However, don’t forget that you need to apply these principles consistently over time to build muscle. Eating protein regularly every day, going to the gym regularly, and increasing your weight may not be an easy-quick-fix. But it is the correct and healthiest way, and will definitely be worth it!